Beautiful and tasty dish that is hearty and filling! Everyone will love this one!
Lou’s Tip: Never throw away the top of the bell pepper! After you slice off the top the stem pops out and you will have more to use!
Handling the Peppers:
Wash 4-6 Red Bell Peppers and slice off the tops. Remove the seeds and inner part of the peppers and set aside
Ingredients (Filling)
- 1 Cup Almonds (soaked 24 hours)
- 1 Cup Sunflower seeds (soaked 6-8 hours)
- 1/2 Cup Pumpkin seeds (soaked 6-8 hours)
- 1/2 Cup Lentils seeds (soaked 6-8 hours)
- 1/2 Cup Carrots, finely chopped
- 1/2 Cup Celery, finely chopped
- 2 TBS Lemon Juice
- 1 TBS Chili Powder
- 1 TBS Cumin
- 4 TBS Purple Onion, finely chopped
- 1 Clove Garlic
- Salt To Taste
Ingredients (Sauce)
- 2 Red Bell Peppers
- 2-3 Dates
1 Tomato
- 1 TBS Raw Carob Powder
- 1 TBS Lemon Juice
- 1/2 TSP Chili Powder
- Dash Cayenne
- Salt To Taste
Start by making your filling:
Process almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, 2 tablespoons of the purple onion, lemon juice, salt, chili powder, cumin, garlic through a food processor until smooth or proper juicer twice.
Stir in the carrots, celery, the remaining 2 tablespoons of purple onion and cilantro.
Adjust seasoning as desired.
Now begin Making your Sauce:
Process all ingredients in blender until smooth
Finally: Stuff mixture into red bell peppers which have had tops removed.
Pour Sauce over Stuffed Bell Peppers and Serve
Recipe by Lou Corona